Markdown Cheatsheet

Markdown Cheatsheet

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a markup language that is used to format text on web pages. It’s extension is .md.

Here's the cheatsheet on Markdown

1. Heading

Syntax :

# Heading 1 
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6

Output :


2. Text Formatting ( Bold & Italic )

Syntax for Bold :

**Bold**   # One way to make text bold

__Bold__   # Another way to make text bold

Output :


Syntax for Italic :

*Italic* # One way to make text Italic

_Italic_ # Another way to make the text italic

Output :


3. List (Ordered and Unordered)

Syntax for Ordered List :

1. First item
    1. Indented item # Indented list
2. Second item
3. Third item
4. Fourth item

Output :


Syntax for Unordered List :

- First item
- Second item
    - Indented item # indented list
- Third item
- Fourth item

Output :

ul ls.png

Syntax :

[Text](link, "Title")

[Click me to go to Github Homepage](, "Github")

Output :

Click me to go to Github Homepage

5. Images

Syntax for linking image from the local machine :

![Alt text](image path)


Syntax for linking images from servers :

![Alt text](image link)

6. Block Quotes

Syntax :

> This is Block Quote.

Output :

This is Block Quote.

7. Code

Syntax :

``` Code Block ``` # Triple backtick (`) used to write code block.

`for` # Single backtick used to write funtions/method.

Output :

print("The world is flat.")

8. Strikethrough

Syntax :

~~The world is flat.~~

Output :


9. Table

Syntax :

| Coloumn 1 | Coloumn 2 |  # Use Pipes ( | ) to Seperate Coloumns.
| ----------- | ----------- |  # Use dashes ( - ) to seperate header from table data.
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |

Output :
