A Brief Guide of Javascript Array and its Method

A Brief Guide of Javascript Array and its Method

This is a brief guide about the methods of arrays in Javascript, we'll look at them one by one, but first, let's take a look at what an array actually is.

An array is just a variable that is a collection of multiple values or you can say an array is a variable that can hold multiple values.

Now the question is, what is the method? Simply, the methods are built-in functions of an array that help us manipulate an array in many ways. We'll take a look at these methods one by one, so let's start by creating an array.

How to initialize an array?

You can initialize or create a new array in many ways, one of the methods is:

let newArray = ["Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Litecoin", "Solana", "Monero"];

push(): Add Element to an Array :

You can use the array's built-in method push() to add elements to an array. push() will add the element at the very end of an array.

let newArray = ["Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Litecoin", "Solana", "Monero"];

newArray.push("Cardona"); // The new value "Cardona" gonna add at the end of an array.


// Result :

[ 'Bitcoin', 'Ethereum', 'Litecoin', 'Solana', 'Monero', 'Cardona' ]

pop(): Remove the Element form the array :

You can use the array's built-in method pop() to remove the element from the array. pop() will remove the element from the very end of the array and will return the element that has been popped out of the array.

let newArray = ["Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Litecoin", "Solana", "Monero"];

newArray.pop(); // Will remove "Monero" in this case and return the same value.


// Result :


length(): To check the length of an array :

You can check the length of your array using the length() method of an array.

let newArray = ["Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Litecoin", "Solana", "Monero"];


// Result :


concat(): To add multiple arrays

You can use concat() method to concatenate/add one or more arrays.

let Array1 = ["Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Litecoin", "Solana"];

let Array2 = ["Matic", "Monero"];



// Result :

[ 'Bitcoin' 'Ethereum', 'Litecoin', 'Solana', 'Matic', 'Monero']

slice(): To slice out a piece of an array

You can slice out a piece from an array using the "slice()" method and it will create a new array of that particular piece.

Slice() method doesn't modify the original array

let Array1 = ["Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Litecoin", "Solana"];

Array2 = Array1.slice(1);

/*This will slice out pieces from the element index of "1" to the very 
end of the array */ 


// Result :

[ 'Ethereum', 'Litecoin', 'Solana' ]

slice() method can take up to two arguments.

slice(arg1, arg2)

This method will select elements from the start argument, and up to (but not including) the end argument.

let Array1 = ["Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Litecoin", "Solana"];

Array2 = Array1.slice(1,3); 


// Result :

[ 'Ethereum', 'Litecoin' ]

splice(): To add new items to the array

You can add new items to the array using the splice() method.

The splice() method retruns an empty array.

splice(start, deleteCount, item1, item2, itemN)

let Array1 = [ "Bitcoin","Solana", "Litecoin", "Ethereum" ];

Array1.splice(1, 0, "Cardano", "Tron")


// Result :

[ 'Bitcoin', 'Cardano', 'Tron', 'Solana', 'Litecoin', 'Ethereum' ]

console.log(Array1.splice(1, 0, "Cardano", "Tron"));

// Result :

[]  // Returns empty array

sort(): To sort the array alphabetically

The sort() method is used to sort an array alphabetically and numerically.

Sorting alphabetically

let Array1 = [ "Bitcoin","Solana", "Litecoin", "Ethereum" ];



// Result : 

[ 'Bitcoin', 'Ethereum', 'Litecoin', 'Solana' ]

Sorting Numerically

let Array2 = [2, 7, 1, 4, 6, 9]



// Result :

[ 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 ]

reverse(): To reverse an array

The reverse() method is used to reverse the order of the elements in an array

let Array1 = ["Bitcoin","Solana", "Litecoin", "Ethereum"];



// Result :

[ 'Ethereum', 'Litecoin', 'Solana', 'Bitcoin' ]

shift(): Used to remove the element from an array

The shift() method is used to remove the first element in an array and will return the removed element.

shift() method changes the original array

let Array1 = ["Bitcoin","Solana", "Litecoin", "Ethereum"];



// Result :


unshift(): Used to add element in an array

The unshift() method is used to add new elements to the beginning of an array and will return the new length of an array.

unshift() method changes the original array

let Array1 = ["Bitcoin","Solana", "Litecoin", "Ethereum"];



// Result :



// Result :

[ 'cardona', 'Bitcoin', 'Solana', 'Litecoin', 'Ethereum' ] // Modified Array

These are some of the most commonly used methods of an array, In a later article, we'll look at many more methods of arrays. I hope this article will help you to understand how the methods of array work.